Georgia Homeless Veterans Resources, Inc .
Led by the guiding principle that all women deserve respect and dignity, Georgia Homeless Veterans Resources, Inc. (GHVR), located in Stockbridge, Georgia is a non-profit community-based transitional housing program dedicated to providing extensive support services to help every woman make permanent life changes. The GHVR programs provides: (1) Safe housing and treatment services specifically for women veterans with children who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless as a result of substance abuse and mental illness, Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD), sexual abuse and trauma, physical disability, domestic violence, or due to a lack of transferable employment skills after discharge from the armed forces; (2) Written and verbal information and updates, one on one guidance and assistance with applicable USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP2) forms completion and receipt of direct deposit follow-ups to fruition for farmers and ranchers of color (FOC) operations who were directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic disruptions due to COVID-19.
GHVR’s focus is to support and empower America’s most vulnerable group of at risk veterans - homeless veteran women with children and small socially disadvantaged women, and farmers and ranchers of color. GHVR will assist and support FOC access to operating capital mainly through grants and loans, the annual Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) certification requirements and/or cost, email protocol/access/training, other appropriate training and education, supplies, assistance with online technical applications for current and future grants and loans, good accounting practices, and investing and life insurance practical instructions/representation. Our work touches the mind, body, heart and ultimately the spirit of those we serve, integrating our deep compassion with highly effective programs and services.
GHVR’s focus is to support and empower America’s most vulnerable group of at risk veterans - homeless veteran women with children and small socially disadvantaged women, and farmers and ranchers of color. GHVR will assist and support FOC access to operating capital mainly through grants and loans, the annual Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) certification requirements and/or cost, email protocol/access/training, other appropriate training and education, supplies, assistance with online technical applications for current and future grants and loans, good accounting practices, and investing and life insurance practical instructions/representation. Our work touches the mind, body, heart and ultimately the spirit of those we serve, integrating our deep compassion with highly effective programs and services.